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1) The context

The virtues of the pandemic, experienced for more than two years, will have been to democratize working from home (telecommuting) and to allow companies to simultaneously reduce their office space needs.

On the other hand, these evolutions require the reorganization of the offices to adapt to the nomadism of the employees as well as an evolution of the equipment to reassure them, secure them and maintain the teams' productivity.

2) Space evolution

In the past, the individual office used to be in the majority, but it is no longer the case. Open spaces are becoming more common, allowing individuals to move around. They can thus appropriate a free office according to their visits and their needs.

The creation of the open-space is associated with the multiplication of meeting rooms to allow group work without disturbing the people present in the general space. These are rooms of various dimensions, the majority intended to accomodate from 2 to 6 people with usually a wall section on which is installed the flat screen of presentation.

These spaces are closed and soundproofed, therefore confined and the renewal as well as the quality of the air is often a very important problem.

The labor code, in its article R 4222-6 requires employers to control the quality of the air and to guarantee an air renewal rate in the offices of 25m3/hour and per occupant of 30m3/hour for the meeting rooms and even 60m3/hour for the workshops (Source : Legi France).

Illustration open-spaces

Air quality has therefore become as important as thermal comfort, air conditioning and heating are no longer sufficient. The assurance of a good air quality is a concern of companies, employees and social partners.

Reminder: we spend 80% of our time indoors, in offices, homes and schools, and many biological and chemical pollutants are present in the air we breathe such as :

  • Biological pollutants: bacteria, viruses, molds...
  • Chemical pollutants: volatile organic compounds emitted by coatings, glues, varnishes, copiers, etc.

3) Our recommendations for a healthier air quality

Recommendation N° 1 : Ventilate frequently

Ideally, to ensure a good evacuation of the pollutants it would be necessary to be able to open a window for 15 minutes every 3 hours.

But, it is not always possible, because of heat, cold and necessary availability of the people as well as in the offices whose windows do not open.

Recommendation N° 2 : Reinforced ventilation.

Ventilation systems such as central air handling units (CTA) and mechanical ventilation units (VMC) must be reinforced and particularly well maintained. Their piloting must be exerted as finely as possible by taking into account for example the number of people present in the buildings as well as the rate of fine particles of type PM 10 or better still, PM 2.5.

According to the law, (article R4211-1 and following of the labor code) during a working day of 8 hours, no one should inhale more than 10 mg of dust per m3 of air.

The level is lowered to 5 mg/m3 for the finest particles, capable of penetrating deep into the lungs (PM 2.5)

The installation and maintenance of these installations can nevertheless be complex and costly depending on the type of building, its age, its classification, etc.

Recommendation N° 3 : Purify the indoor air

The pandemics experienced in recent years have taught us that from now on, there is a high risk of having to live with pandemics and viral transmission risks.

An air purifier removes biological and chemical pollutants, fine and ultra fine particles, as well as volatile organic compounds from indoor air.

The air purifier with its 5 levels of filtration,HEPA filters, activated carbon filters, helps reduce the risk of cross-contamination as well as the possible absorption of chemical compounds.

By cleaning the air in offices, meeting rooms or company restaurants of pollutants, it also prevents a drop in concentration, potential relational tensions, a drop in productivity and an increase in absenteeism.

Also, by eliminating allergens and VOCs, it also avoids the aggravation of already existing pathologies such as airborne allergies and asthma.

Companies, as well as social partners, are making important commitments that include the elements of Quality of Life at Work (QWL). They allow to be concerned at the same time with performance, working conditions to facilitate the return to the office, while maintaining the savings due to the lesser needs of space.

For several years, some manufacturers of movable partitions and meeting rooms have integrated AIR ET SANTÉ air purifiers into the very thickness of their products. They continuously purify the air in these closed spaces.

AIR ET SANTÉ offers a complete range of medical grade air purifiers. They are equipped with class 13 or 14 HEPA filters, active carbon filters and in automatic mode, they are controlled by their air quality detectors.

From 10 m² for an office to 500 m² for a large open space or a company restaurant, the solution exists at AIR ET SANTÉ.

The use of the air purifier also applies in the :