Volatile organic compounds

An Organic Volatil Compound (VOC)
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are substances in a gaseous state found in the air that we breathe. They are created from several chemical compounds (carbon, hydrogen...). Their airborne nature allows them to disperse far from their sources of emission.
They can be natural, such as the aromatic compounds produced by flowers, or "anthropic", that is to say, produced by human activities such as industry, the automobile, agriculture or domestic activities.
Do organic volatil compound have an odor ?
Most have a strong, characteristic odor, such as formaldehyde (the "new" smell of wood furniture), acetone or white spirit. VOCs are also found in cigarette smoke, which has an unpleasant and strong tobacco odor. However, some VOCs are colorless and unscented and therefore undetectable.
What are the sources of volatile organic compounds in your home?
In 2015, 45% of volatile organic compound emissions were residential, including from combustion of heating appliances and the use of solvents (used in cleaning, degreasing and painting products).
So, in your home, there are many sources of VOC emissions. They have a variety of properties and are found in a large number of everyday products :
In addition to indoor sources, volatile organic compounds are found outside homes and are highly polluting. They are notably found in the emanations of fuels, or produced by agriculture, industries and vegetation.
What consequences do they have on our health?
Volatile organic compounds are harmful pollutants to our health, which deteriorate the air quality. Depending on the quantity and duration of exposure, they cause discomfort and respiratory difficulties (coughing, shortness of breath, irritation of the mucous membranes, asthma, allergic rhinitis), headaches or nausea.
On the other hand, they are ozone promoters. Under the effect of the sun's radiation and in combination with other pollutants, volatile organic compounds are likely to produce ozone in the lower layers of the atmosphere.
Unlike ozone in the stratosphere, which protects us from harmful UV rays, ozone in the lower atmosphere is harmful both to the environment and to our health. This harmful gas penetrates deep into the respiratory tract and can worsen your respiratory problems.
Among the most harmful VOCs, we find benzene released by wood combustion, fuel vapors or tobacco smoke, and formaldehyde released by paints or cleaning products, both of which are carcinogenic.
Use an air purifier to protect yourself from organic volatil compounds and of the bad odors in your home
So, how do you sanitize a home? First of all, it is essential to reduce as much as possible the use of products containing volatile organic compounds. Moreover, a daily ventilation of your home of at least 15 minutes per 2 hours will allow you to reduce the indoor concentration of fine particles.
In addition, the use of a medical grade air purifier is highly recommended. Fitted with a filtration system that guarantees the elimination of 99.95% of the fine particles found in the air, it is your best ally in the fight against indoor pollution.
First, its medical grade HEPA 13 or 14 filter will trap in its thousands of fibers, the different dusts, fine particles and allergens contained in your indoor air.
Secondly, the activated carbon filter will absorb up to 99% of the volatile organic compounds found in the air, while breaking down ozone and eliminating unpleasant odors.
Finally, for optimal air purification, our purifiers also offer the function of cold catalysis or photocatalysis, a fourth filter associated with the action of UV lamps, which allows to transform pollutants into water vapor and CO2.
They are also harmful to your health :